Enrichment courses offered for Farmington Public School employees ONLY!
Focus on the basics of yoga - for all ages and conditions. Increase your flexibility, reduce stress, and bring a sense of calm to your busy life. Yoga will tone the body, discipline the mind, and improve your overall health. Each session includes stretches, simple breathing techniques, and relaxation.
Wear comfortable clothing, have a yoga mat and firm pillow available, and do not eat a big meal before class. Instruction will take place through Zoom.
Registrants will receive an email from Farmington Continuing Education containing a link and instructor information before the start of the course.
In her mix-styled yoga classes, Migdalia focuses on the basics of yoga with creative and safe practice to reduce stress and bring a sense of grounding and calmness to our everyday lives. All the yoga sessions are centered on the seasons, retreat themes, or individual student needs. Migdalia's classes include energy work, stretching, simple breathing techniques, movement, mindfulness, meditation, and deep relaxation.
Migdalia is a certified Yoga, Reiki I and II and Therapeutic Touch I instructor.
Migdalia Merriman
No Class Apr 9
No Class Feb 19
Online registration is over