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Farmington Continuing Education
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Visual and Performing Arts Academies (2-8)
The AM portion of this program is possible through the Interdistrict Cooperative Grant awarded by the State of Connecticut Department of Education. If you are registering for the AM program only, a $50 fee is due upon registration.AM 8-12 Visual and Performing Arts Program: The Visual and Performing Arts (VPA) Program offers a unique blend of creativity and learning for students, with a grant-funded morning session and a fee based afternoon extension. The morning portion of the program is made possible through the Interdistrict Cooperative Grant received from the State of Connecticut Department of Education. Students can participate in this enriching experience for a $50 registration fee. This year’s focus, Permaculture, explores sustainability through its three core ethics: Earth Care, People Care, and Fair Shares. Students will use scientific observation to analyze natural phenomena, examine human impact on the environment, and explore cultural influences on sustainability. Participants explore a wide range of artistic disciplines, including dance, African drumming, digital design, stop-animation, wearable art, drawing, painting, sculpture, and puppetry. The program also includes a field trip to a local museum, where students will have the opportunity to explore contemporary art and draw inspiration from professional works. This program runs from 8:00 AM until 12:00 Noon. Transportation options are available and are listed at the bottom of this description.*This morning program is contingent on being awarded the Interdistrict Cooperative Grant through the Connecticut State Department of Education. Since the current program design is contingent on grant funding, should funding not be awarded, ONLY the morning program will NOT be held and the registration fee will be refunded. Notification of grant awards is expected in July.*PM 12-4 Farmington Continuing Education Summer Art Academy: For students wishing to extend their day, Farmington Continuing Education is offering the FCE Art Academy in the afternoon. This additional, pay-for-service component continues the exploration of art principles and techniques introduced during the morning session. Running from 12 PM to 4 PM for the same two weeks the Visual and Performing Arts program runs (July 28 - August 8), the afternoon Academy delves deeper into the topics covered earlier in the day, with opportunities for more hands-on projects, personalized instruction, and collaborative group work. Students can further enhance their artistic skills while fostering creativity and critical thinking. The work done in this afternoon program will be highlighted in the culminating event on August 28th. This option includes the morning VPA program and its fees. If you register for this option, you do not need to register for the AM program.*The PM portion of this program is not funded by the Interdistrict Cooperative Grant and will run regardless of the grant being awarded.*Transportation: Busing will be available to/from Vance School in New Britain, Linden Street School in Plainville, and Rawson Elementary in Hartford each day. Please note the pick-up and drop-off times for each location listed below: Vance School, New Britain AM drop-off: 7:10 -7:20 AM (bus will leave Vance promptly at 7:30 AM) PM pick-up: 12:30 PM (bus times may vary based on traffic) Linden Street School, Plainville AM drop-off: 7:25 - 7:35 AM (bus will leave Linden promptly at 7:45 AM) PM pick-up: 1220 PM (bus times may vary based on traffic) Rawson Elementary School, Hartford AM drop-off: 7:10 -7:20 AM (bus will leave Rawson promptly at 7:25 AM) PM pick-up: 12:30 PM (bus times may vary based on traffic) Important Information: Only one transportation option can be selected. You must select one and cannot combine options. Students will be required to be signed in and out daily by an adult (18+ years). We ask that all students are picked-up promptly. If an emergency arises that will affect a students attendance, transportation, or there is a change in the Authorized Pick-Up, please call the Farmington Continuing Education office at 860-404-0290.
Theatre Academy (Gr. 3 -12)
Beginning with an audition workshop, students will hone their audition skills to try out for roles in DreamWorks Production's Shrek: The Musical Jr. Each day, students will participate in rehearsals including music, choreography, improv and drama games, backstage production, and most importantly -- FUN! The FINAL performance will take place on Friday, June 27 in the Irving Robbins Middle School Auditorium.Opportunity for rising (7-12) graders: Students with a serious interest in the "behind-the-scenes" portion of theatre will work with mentors in the areas of stage management, directing, costumes, props, and set design. These students will not perform in the play but instead will be working backstage as part of the production. Students should bring a healthy snack, a healthy lunch, and a water bottle daily. Daily Sample Schedule: 9:00 - 9:05 morning meeting 9:05 - 10:00 Workshop 1 10:00 - 10:15 Snack in Cafe 10:15 - 11:00 Workshop 2 11:00 - 11:45 Workshop 3 11:45 - 12:15 Lunch 12:20 - 1:55 Full Cast Rehearsal 2:00 Dismissal NOTES: Registration deadline: June 8, 2025 Cancellation Policy: Cancellations with a refund will be allowed up to June 10 with a $35 fee. There are NO cancellations / refunds after June 8!
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83 Results
Short on time? This workout is for you. Backed by research that shows short bouts of intense exercise can be as effective as longer more moderate workouts, this class makes it easy to fit exercise in your schedule. This class will have a short warm up and cool down, and in-between we will be working intensely with fun, full body moves. Modifications will be given so that you can work at the right pace for you. Plan to leave feeling energized. Instruction will take place through Zoom. Registrants will receive an email from Farmington Continuing Education containing a link and instructor information before the start of the course. All participants will need to fill out a new waiver annually. Returning participants can simply update their waiver here... New Registrants can submit a waiver here...
Winter/Spring 2025
AAPPL In-Person Assessment - Seal of Biliteracy (SPANISH or FRENCH)
Only available for FHS students in Spanish or French V or VH THIS IS AN IN-PERSON PROCTORED TEST Available for Spanish V or VH, or French V or VH Registration closes on 04/11 @ 10:00 AM Testing Date and Time: Saturday, May 3, 2025 at 9:00 AM. The test will be held at Farmington High School, room 3103. Assessment for current Juniors & Seniors What is AAPPL? AAPPL is the ACTFL (American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages) Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Languages. It is a performance assessment of language learning designed for educational settings. AAPPL assesses the three modes of communication: Interpersonal Listening/Speaking, Presentational Writing, Interpretive Listening, and Interpretive Reading. The AAPPL is an online interactive assessment. It uses communication media in which test takers perform tasks such as participating in a virtual video chat, creating wikis, emailing, and using apps to demonstrate language ability. The measure is scored by professional raters using the ACTFL Proficiency Scale. Students who score at or above the Intermediate Mid level of proficiency on this test meet the World Language criteria for Connecticut’s Seal of Biliteracy.
Winter/Spring 2025
ABC Italian Part II
This course is an extension of ABC Italian, which is a prerequisite to take Part II. In this course we will learn and practice the Italian language, using the foundation learned in ABC Italian.
Winter/Spring 2025
Adult Tap for Beginners
Music, Dance & Drama
Adult Tap offers the opportunity to exercise in the unique and fun way. We will start with a gentle stretch and then work on a different tap combination each week. If you are completely new to tap dancing, please sign up for our Introduction to Tap course. Any form of dance is healthy for the mind and body. It gets our bodies moving and boosts our brainpower. Participating in a dance class is also great for socialization. Wear comfortable clothing and do not forget your tap shoes! Don’t have tap shoes but want to experience the course? We may have a gently used pair that you can purchase.
Winter/Spring 2025
Advanced Beginner French
This course is for students who have already studied the basics of French and would like to expand their knowledge by talking about past and future activities. The objectives of this course are for you to be able to say that I can: communicate on more advanced topics in a variety of tenses. understand the more detailed conversation and talk about your home, health, professions. read more detailed texts and listen to a variety of videos and authentic conversations. Student should purchase the textbook Ultimate French ISBN-13: 978-1400009633 - or - ISBN-13: 978-1400021048 .
Winter/Spring 2025
Angels & Guides
Health & Wellness
Have you ever wondered if you are being guided through your daily living? Meet your angels and guides through a guided hypnosis session.
Winter/Spring 2025
Ryan Adams (flickr)
(CC BY 2.0)
Artistic Creations with Mrs. Donlon (Gr. 1-4)
Art, Games & Hobbies
A fun opportunity to create works of art using a variety of art media. Students will spend each art class exploring painting, drawing, and more! Each student will have beautiful and exciting pieces to take home at the end of the session. The course fee includes the cost of the supplies. This course has several sections. Please view the dates and register for the correct section according to grade. PLEASE NOTE: This Course is for enrolled students at East Farms Elementary School only. *** PLEASE NOTE OUR YOUTH DISMISSAL AND PICK-UP POLICY*** On the day of the course be sure to inform your child's school office, using their prescribed dismissal change policy, that your child will be attending EXCL for the enrichment course you have signed up for. Refunds will not be provided for missed classes. At the end of the school day when dismissed, students who are attending will be sent to EXCL. When the course starts, they will be brought to the course classroom by the instructor. Parents are not to bring their children to the school to attend this course, students are only to be dismissed directly from school. Parents should be prompt to pick up at the course dismissal time as charges will accrue if parents are late. Dismissal will occur at the entrance of the building and will be facilitated by the school security guard and instructor. Parents will not be permitted into the building and it is advised that parents stay in their cars until the dismissal time, or until the instructor is visible at the front door. Each parent will need to sign their child out and must have a valid I.D. ready. The I.D. must match that of the parent/guardian who signed up the child or by an authorized pick-up. To authorize an additional pick-up, please call 860-404-0290 Ext. 7070. Students who are attending EXCL on the day of the course will be dismissed back to EXCL.
Winter/Spring 2025
BARRE Bootcamp
40 minute virtual class combining elements of Barre and bootcamp-style fitness. A strength based total body workout. Equipment needed: hand weights, a mat and a chair.
Winter/Spring 2025
Babysitter CPR and Beyond! (Ages 11-15)
Babysitting & Child Safety
This course will help students learn about infant/child CPR, basic first aid, and how to handle a medical emergency by assessing the scene and calling 911. Prerequisite: Students should either be certified babysitters or have taken the Babysitting Basics course. The course fee includes an American Red Cross babysitter training book and a certificate that is mailed out within a month of successful completion of the course (student attendance is mandatory to receive a certificate). No snacks or food is to be brought to the class.
Winter/Spring 2025
Ballet: Modern and Jazz
Music, Dance & Drama
Ballet is a fun way to exercise. It's all about movement! Enjoy rhythm while dancing to music using ballet technique. The advantage of dance and movement programs like ballet is that you can go at your own pace. The value of using a chair is that participants can stop and rest while continuing with their arm movements. The focus will be on body alignment, natural movements, building strength, increasing balance, and stability. Through good body alignment, posture is improved, while strength and balance are gained through movement.
Winter/Spring 2025
Band Academy (Entering Gr. 6-9)
Youth Enrichment
Students will continue to grow musically and develop life-long musicianship skills through collaborative and independent study with highly skilled and energetic instructors and mentors in warmups, performance, improvisation, rhythm work and sectional rehearsals. This camp is not designed for beginners, students must have at least one school-year of playing experience in order to register. Please bring your instrument, music books, a snack and a water bottle, daily. Concert will be held at Farmington High School on Thursday, July 3rd. This program is for students Entering into Grades 6-9 for the Fall of 2025. NOTES: Registration deadline: June 15, 2025 Cancellation Policy: Cancellations with a refund will be allowed up to June 15 with a $35 fee. There are NO cancellations / refunds after June 15!
Summer 2025
Basic Ballet & Stretch
Enjoy a gentle full-body stretch at the beginning of each class. Beginner ballet exercises will then be learned and reviewed. We will finish with gentle floor stretches, so please bring a yoga mat. This class is a no-pressure, non-traditional ballet class environment. Come in comfortable clothing. Ballet shoes are recommended, but socks are suitable.
Winter/Spring 2025
Starting Soon
Beginner Jazz Dance
Music, Dance & Drama
Learn the basics of Jazz Dancing with Amy Perales, an FCE veteran dance and wellness instructor. You will learn basic jazz dance terminology and we will put jazz dance steps to music while getting your heart rate up. We will boost our brainpower, as each week a jazz dance combination will be taught. We will be expected to remember the combination from the previous week. Attend with clothes that you can move comfortably in. Jazz dance shoes are not necessary, but are recommended for a more authentic experience.
Winter/Spring 2025
BollyX: Dance Fitness
BollyX is a Bollywood-inspired dance-fitness program that combines dynamic choreography with the hottest music from around the world. 45-minute cardio workout cycles between higher and lower-intensity dance sequences will get you moving, sweating, and smiling. At the very core of a BollyX workout is the inspiration it draws from the music and dance of Bollywood, the film industry of India. BollyX embodies the infectious energy, expression, and movement of Bollywood and aims to expand the reach of fitness to more people worldwide. The fitness curriculum has been created by world-class choreographers and certified fitness professionals to ensure a safe and effective total body dance workout for all. No prior dance experience is needed. Bring a water bottle and wear comfortable clothing.
Winter/Spring 2025
Boston Harbor Cruise - Lunch Prior at Chart House
Day Trips & Tours
Experience Boston’s Historic Charm by Land and Sea Discover the rich history and stunning waterfront views of Boston on this unforgettable excursion. Begin with a sit-down plated lunch at Chart House Boston, an iconic restaurant nestled in Long Wharf’s oldest surviving structure—the former John Hancock Counting House. This unique venue blends historic charm with modern elegance. Savor a mixed green salad followed by your choice of a Chart House Cheeseburger or Chicken BLT, served with French fries, dessert, and a soft drink. (Meal selection required in advance.) After lunch, set sail on a fully narrated one-hour Historic Boston Harbor Cruise, where history comes to life on the waters of this world-famous harbor. Hear captivating stories of the Revolutionary War, legendary maritime tales, and the remarkable transformation of the harbor into one of the cleanest waterways in the country. Along the way, enjoy breathtaking views of the Boston Harbor Islands, USS Constitution ("Old Ironsides"), and the Bunker Hill Monument. This immersive journey offers the perfect blend of Boston’s rich history, scenic beauty, and waterfront dining—a must-do experience for visitors and locals alike!
Winter/Spring 2025
Buying and Selling Real Estate in Today's Climate
Home & Garden
It's no secret that the real estate market is hot right now. With inventory at all time lows and prices at all time highs, it can be a stressful and discouraging process. You want someone with knowledge, experience, and patience to help you navigate and guide you through the process and prepare you for what to expect from pre approval to the closing day. This class will walk you through the steps and outline what you need to know. This course will discuss an overview of the process of buying a house and how to choose a realtor to fit your needs, home inspection, and pre-approval.
Winter/Spring 2025
Cardio Fitness
A friendly exercise program that combines low-impact aerobics with stretching, strength training, and routines to improve flexibility, muscular strength, balance, and cardiovascular fitness. Previous punch cards purchased can be used. Three Options for Purchase... Course Fee - Select this if you want access to all the dates for this given season, no punch card needed. Senior Fee - Reduced rate for seniors who would like access to all the dates for this season, no punch card needed. Punch Card - Purchasing this option will get you a punch card that will allow you access to 20 sessions of Cardio Fitness across multiple seasons. If you currently have a punch card with punches left, choose this option and enter in the promo code to remove the charge at checkout. Please contact the Farmington Continuing Education office at 860-404-0290 to receive the promo code. Bring a mat, hand weights, resistance bands, and a water bottle. Parking is on School Street or Church Street NOT in the School or Barney Library parking lots!
Winter/Spring 2025
Cardio Strength
This functionally, fun class provides a complete workout that will help tone and reshape your body. You will use light weights, bands and your own body weight to improve strength, flexibility, balance and stamina to sculpt and tone. Bring a yoga mat, water, and light weights. Instruction will take place through Zoom. Registrants will receive an email from Farmington Continuing Education containing a link and instructor information before the start of the course. All participants will need to fill out a new waiver annually. Returning participants can simply update their waiver here... New Registrants can submit a waiver here...
Winter/Spring 2025
Charcuterie: Heart and Spring Boards
Learn how to create your own charcuterie board with a hands-on lesson from Chell's Charcuterie. Michelle will bring all the necessary tools and ingredients for you to create a heart board (session A)or a spring board (session B). Cheeses, meats, fruits and all accompaniments will be available to you as youstyle your own beautiful charcuterie boards to take home. Course fee includes the cost of supplies. Session A: Heart Board Whether you’re planning an intimate gathering or a large event, charcuterie boards are sure to impress. Perfect as a gift, addition to your party, or for any reason you’d like! During this in-person event, you will get hands-on experience designing a charcuterie board with a variety of meats, cheeses and fruit's. Create a salami flower, kiwi star, provolone rose, and more! Michelle will guide you through the design process and provide simple tips and tricks to elevate your charcuterie life. Included: 10" Bamboo Disposable Board | 4 Cheeses | 2 Meats |Fresh Fruit | Dry Fruit | Fresh Herbs. All tools needed will be provided but sold separately. Cheese knife, ravioli cutter, and paring knife. Session B: Spring Board Shock your neighbors, friends, and family through the Spring holidays with this exciting Spring themed charcuterie board. With design and style instruction from Chell's Charcuterie, you will walk away with the knowledge to create your own Spring board, and a board of your own! Included: 10" Bamboo Disposable Board | 4 Cheeses | 2 Meats |Fresh Fruit | Dry Fruit | Fresh Herbs. All tools needed will be provided but sold separately. Cheese knife, ravioli cutter, and paring knife. No alcohol is permitted.
Winter/Spring 2025
Cheesemaking - Ricotta, Mascarpone, and Feta
Making fresh, soft cheese at home is easy and fun! Learn the process and equipment needed to make whole milk ricotta, mascarpone, and feta cheese. Course fee includes the cost of supplies. This course will fulfill the prerequisite for Advanced Beginner cheesemaking class.
Winter/Spring 2025
Cheesemaking for Advanced Beginners
Ready to take the next step in making cheese? In this class we will learn to make herbed Havarti and spice-rubbed Montasio. These cheeses involve some new techniques and will expand your knowledge of cheesemaking. Prerequisite: Student has already taken either the Mozzarella or the Feta class.
Winter/Spring 2025
Core Strength
This functionally fun class provides a complete workout that will help tone and reshape your body. You will use light weights, bands and your own body weight to improve strength, flexibility, balance and stamina to sculpt and tone. Bring a yoga mat, water, and light weights. Instruction will take place through Zoom. Registrants will receive an email from Farmington Continuing Education containing a link and instructor information before the start of the course. All participants will need to fill out a new waiver annually. Returning participants can simply update their waiver here... New Registrants can submit a waiver here...
Winter/Spring 2025
Covered Bridges of New Hampshire
Day Trips & Tours
Step back in time and experience the charm of New England’s iconic covered bridges, often called “Kissing Bridges.” Join us for a scenic guided driving tour through Southern New Hampshire, where our knowledgeable local guide will share fascinating stories and insights about these picturesque landmarks. Bring your camera—each bridge offers a unique glimpse into the past and stunning photo opportunities.Enjoy a family-style luncheon at the Inn at East Hill Farm, a working farm nestled beneath Mount Monadnock in Troy, NH. On the way home, we’ll stop at the Yankee Candle Flagship Store in South Deerfield for a delightful shopping experience. A perfect trip for history lovers, photographers, and those who appreciate New England’s scenic beauty!
Fall 2025
Cursive Writing Club with Mrs. Chaves
Art, Games & Hobbies
Come learn the basic strokes, connections, and formations necessary to write in traditional cursive writing. Studies have shown that cursive writing provides a wide range of cognitive benefits including improvements in reading skill, writing confidence, and memory retention. Join veteran Farmington Public Schools teacher, Mrs. Chaves, in this 5 course class and bring some finesse to your child's writing. Be sure to pack a snack. We will have a brief break to eat once students arrive. PLEASE NOTE: This course is for enrolled students at their respective home schools. *** PLEASE NOTE OUR YOUTH DISMISSAL AND PICK-UP POLICY*** On the day of the course be sure to inform your child's school office, using their prescribed dismissal change policy, that your child will be attending EXCL for the enrichment course you have signed up for. Refunds will not be provided for missed classes. At the end of the school day when dismissed, students who are attending will be sent to EXCL. When the course starts, they will be brought to the course classroom by the instructor. Parents are not to bring their children to the school to attend this course, students are only to be dismissed directly from school. Parents should be prompt to pick up at the course dismissal time as charges will accrue if parents are late. Dismissal will occur at the entrance of the building and will be facilitated by the school security guard and instructor. Parents will not be permitted into the building and it is advised that parents stay in their cars until the dismissal time, or until the instructor is visible at the front door. Each parent will need to sign their child out and must have a valid I.D. ready. The I.D. must match that of the parent/guardian who signed up the child or by an authorized pick-up. To authorize an additional pick-up, please call 860-404-0290 Ext. 7070. Students who are attending EXCL on the day of the course will be dismissed back to EXCL.
Winter/Spring 2025