Enrichment courses offered for Farmington Public School employees ONLY!
Only available for FHS students in Spanish or French V or VH
What is AAPPL? AAPPL is the ACTFL (American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages) Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Languages. It is a performance assessment of language learning designed for educational settings. AAPPL assesses the three modes of communication: Interpersonal Listening/Speaking, Presentational Writing, Interpretive Listening, and Interpretive Reading. The AAPPL is an online interactive assessment. It uses communication media in which test takers perform tasks such as participating in a virtual video chat, creating wikis, emailing, and using apps to demonstrate language ability. The measure is scored by professional raters using the ACTFL Proficiency Scale. Students who score at or above the Intermediate Mid level of proficiency on this test meet the World Language criteria for Connecticut’s Seal of Biliteracy.