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9 Results

  • Angels & Guides

    Have you ever wondered if you are being guided through your daily living? Meet your angels and guides through a guided hypnosis session.
  • Improv Techniques for Informal Dementia Caregivers

    This workshop is for individuals who want to improve the caregiver experience with someone living with cognitive changes due to Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia. We focus on basic improv practices and their applications to better listen, engage and connect with someone living with dementia through: • A better understanding of dementia • The improv practice of “Yes, And…” • Being present • Letting go of control • deep listening • acceptance • body language • and more This course is taught based on the curriculum provided in A Community Education Curriculum Using Improvisational Theatre Techniques for Informal Dementia Caregivers, from the Journal of Arts and Humanities. The article can be read here...
  • Kids' Brains & Screens

    The Kids’ Brains & Screens Workshop reviews heavily researched topics like how to promote healthy brain development, the difference between screens as well as how social media, video games, and inappropriate content may affect a developing brain. Parents and caregivers will walk away with the ability to make an informed decision when it comes to screen time and personal devices in their home. Solutions and How-to’s will also be covered in this empowering workshop. Approx. 90min* for presentation and 30min Q&A.
  • Mindfulness Meditation

    Become a presence of healing, wisdom, and loving-kindness for yourself and others through the practice of mindfulness. Mindfulness is the ability to pay attention to feelings, thoughts, and our physical sense experiences without judgment. We let them arise and go without holding on to or fighting them. Mindfulness makes it easier to release unhealthy patterns of thought and behavior, allowing us to respond to situations, other people, and ourselves with skill, compassion, and wisdom. Equanimity develops, and we can stop chasing after pleasure and running from pain. Clinical studies have shown that the practice of mindfulness can reduce stress, anxiety, pain, depression, insomnia, and high blood pressure. This class is an opportunity to practice meditation and learn about Buddhist psychology in a supportive group. The course will not cover the Buddhist religion.
  • Reduce Inflammation in Your Body

    If you battle Type II Diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, body aches and more this class will be helpful to you. You will learn which foods to eat and which foods to avoid to reduce or eliminate many of your symptoms. This class will be taught viz ZOOM by Certified Nutritional Health and Life Coach/Author Debbie Barbiero.
  • Reiki I

    Have you been curious about healing energy? Are you interested in finding natural ways to reduce the effects of stress in your life? Reiki may be the perfect remedy! Reiki 1 is an introductory class in which you will be able to use for your own self-care and give energy treatments on your loved ones. The focus of this class will include: The history of Reiki, Principles of Reiki, chakras and auric layers, how reiki works, meditation, attunement and practice healing on self and others. Wear comfortable clothing and bring water and notebook/pen to class.
  • Reiki II

    Prerequisite for this class is Reiki I. Proof of certification is needed at the first class. Become a certified Reiki II practitioner. This class is created to enhance your healing capabilities and nurture your intuitive development. In the Reiki I class, the focus is healing on the physical level. Reiki II focuses on healing the emotional body. In this class we will focus our attention on how the emotional state affects the physical body. You will learn the three powerful ancient healing symbols that will enable you to offer healing energy on mental and emotional issues on yourself or others. You will be able to send distant healing to people at long distances. You will receive a Reiki II attunement which enables you to channel greater levels of Reiki energy more effectively. At the end of the course, and if you attended ALL classes, you will receive a Reiki II level practitioner certificate.
  • Thyroid Management Nutrition

    Are you or someone you love battling some of these symptoms: persistent fatigue, feeling of exhaustion even if you are sleeping more, drowsiness, feeling abnormally sleepy during the day, forgetful, difficulty learning, dry/brittle hair and nails, dry, itchy skin, puffy face, sore muscles, weight gain and fluid retention, constipation, heavy and irregular menstrual flow, increased frequency of miscarriages, high cholesterol, increased sensitivity to many medications? If so, you don’t want to miss this class. Students will learn nutritional health to help manage thyroid symptoms including foods to avoid, ones to consume and some recipe ideas.
  • Trimming the Excess: Weight Loss through Hypnosis

    "Trimming the Excess" is a self empowerment course designed to help individuals cultivate healthy eating patterns and eliminate bad ones. Using self-hypnosis techniques, attendees will begin to shift their mindset to one focused on health and wellbeing. Some topics included are belief systems, emotional eating, stress reduction and much more!